An official reception in honor of the Bako Sahakyan was held at the embassy of the RA in Argentine

An official reception in honor of the Bako Sahakyan was held at the embassy of the RA in Argentine

  • 01-12-2011 11:29:08   |   |  Politics

On 30 November an official reception in honor of the Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan was held in Buenos Aires at the embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Argentine. President Sahakyan considered important the work carried out by the embassy and ambassador Vladimir Karmirshalyan in developing friendly relations wit the Latin American states, deepening ties between the Motherland-Diaspora, recognition of the 1915 Genocide and objective presentation of the Artsakh issue. Head of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, head of the central information department of the office of the Artsakh Republic President David Babayan, representatives of the local Armenian community partook at the event. It was announced to "NT" by the central information department of the office of the Artsakh Repaplic president.
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