Erdoghan Tries to Become a Modern Sultan, Turkish Analysts Say

Erdoghan Tries to Become a Modern Sultan, Turkish Analysts Say

  • 14-09-2010 23:10:51   | Armenia  |  Politics
The reason for the amendment referendum in Turkey is not the country’s integration into EU, Artak Shakaryan, specialist of Turkish sciences, said at a press conference on Tuesday. He believes the inadequate constitution is no a key affecting factor for EU-Turkey relations, with the main reason being the presence of Turkish troops in Cyprus, which is an EU territory. According to Shakaryan, the new constitution first of all affects the armed forces, with Recep Tayyip Erdogan securing his post at upcoming elections. He said Erdoghan aims to hold a new presidential election in 2012 by initiating all those changes, adding Turkish analysts believe the prime minister is trying to become a modern sultan. Shakaryan believes Turkey’s new constitution is a bit more democratic than the previous one. According to the new constitution, each individual has a right for information confidentiality. Individuals supporting opposition, politicians and businessmen are now allowed to move from Turkey, the country can have an ombudsman, Turkish officials can now go out for strikes, and civilians shall not be tried in military court. The amendments provide for structural changes in the Constitutional Court, increasing its members from 11 to 17. The Turkish Parliament speaker will appoint the Cnstitutional Court members.
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