• 17-11-2014 18:24:20   | Armenia  |  Children's page

Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC)
Contact: Syuzanna Petrosyan
[email protected], +374 77 933772
Throughout the year, thousands of children from all over Armenia attend Yerevan Zoo’s various events, which aim to not only provide a joyful day for the young visitors, but to enhance their knowledge about the natural environment around them.  One such event, the Pumpkin Day Contest, took place on November 15, during which over 1500 children came together to create beautiful meals for animals with fruits, vegetables, and most importantly, pumpkins.
As part of its environmental education program for children, the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC) organized the event to give children an opportunity to learn about different animals, their eating behaviors and personalities. It is also a meaningful way for children to give back to the animals, and understand the responsibility they have towards the animal life around them. Pumpkin Day was organized with the support of FPWC’s General Partner and Armenia’s leading Telecommunications Operator VivaCell-MTS.  
Various prizes were given out throughout the day: the group who created the most innovative meal won a photo camera, the group with the best idea won books, and the group who made an animal’s favorite meal won the latest issue of the “Zoo” Magazine. In addition, 12 year old Karo Palazyan won a bicycle at the zoo’s educational game station.
“We are making a meal for the bear. We have put lots of vegetables and fruits inside the pumpkin and to make sure that it likes what we prepare, we have added lots of honey to the meal,” said nine year old Arsen, who was participating in the contest with his classmates. 
For the Director of FPWC, Ruben Khachatryan, Pumpkin Day is about more than amusement and excitement. “These events allow children to broaden their awareness about the environment, especially animals - how to feed and care for them. Our future will be much brighter if children are taught to respect the natural world around them from an early age,” he stated.
To ensure that all children had a chance to take part in the festivities, on Pumpkin Day the zoo entrance was free of charge for all children up to 16 years old, as well as elders over 70 years old
About FPWC 
Established in 2002, FPWC is Armenia’s leading foundation for the protection and conservation of the country’s unique natural heritage. Working at the crossroads of wildlife protection, environmental education, as well as community and infrastructure development, the foundation emphasizes the involvement of rural populations in the sustainable development of Armenia. In all its projects, FPWC advocates for mutual respect between human beings, the natural environment, and cultural heritage, as these are indispensable conditions for the positive development of Armenia.  
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