Unlimited Internet free for a whole month

Unlimited Internet free for a whole month

  • 04-03-2015 15:40:43   | Armenia  |  Science and Technology

From March 4 till April 7, 2015, by subscribing to one of VivaCell-MTS’ “MTS Connect”, “MTS Connect LTE”, “MTS Tablet”, “Home-Zone Turbo” or “Office-Zone” Internet tariff plans for 12, 18 or 24 months, the unlimited Internet is provided for free during the first month.
For more information one can visit www.mts.am or pda.mts.am mobile site, contact 111 free of charge hotline, chat with us through “111 Online”, or approach one of our service centers across Armenia. 
For updates on our news join us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/VivaCellMTSofficialpage
  -   Science and Technology