AMD 90 per minute in roaming

AMD 90 per minute in roaming

  • 04-03-2015 18:22:54   | Armenia  |  Science and Technology

From March 4th till  April 16th, 2015 while roaming in the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Thailand, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, South Korea, Lebanon, Hong Kong, Jordan, Japan, Macau, Sri Lanka, China, Singapore, and Philippines* the tariffs for incoming calls and the calls made with VivaCell-MTS’ “Call to Armenia” service will be AMD 90 per minute.
* In China, Japan, Lebanon, Macau, Philippines and South Korea the services are available only for postpaid subscribers.
For more information one can visit or mobile site, contact 111 free of charge hotline, chat with us through “111 Online”, or approach one of our service centers across Armenia. 
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