New Stamp Dedicated to the 175th Anniversary of the first Western Armenian publicist Srbuhi Tyusab

New Stamp Dedicated to the 175th Anniversary of the first Western Armenian publicist Srbuhi Tyusab

  • 20-10-2016 16:39:18   | Armenia  |  Press release

On October 14, 2016 “HayPost” CJSC put into circulation one stamp dedicated to the first  Armenian  writer, poet, publicist, public and educational figure, the first Armenian novelist  Srbuhi Tyusab's 175th Anniversary. She protested against the female subordination, supported the right for the education and the requirements for the labor.
The stamp has been printed in “Cartor” Printing House, France, with a face value of 230 Armenian drams. The stamp depicts Tyusab on the background of an extract from her poem.  The stamp has been designed by David Dovlatyan, designer of “Haypost” CJSC.
The official cancellation ceremony of the stamp took place at the Ministery of the Diaspora of the RA in the frames of “Our Greats” program with the start of the 8th all-Armenian summit of journalists. The cancellation was carried out by the RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan, RA Deputy Minister of Transport and communication Gagik Tadevosyan and the Managing Director of “HayPost Trust Management” B.V., Juan Pablo Gechidjian.
Date of Issue` 20 October 2016
Face value: 230 AMD
Design by: David Dovlatyan
Printing House: Cartor, France
Size: 30,0 x 40,0 mm
Print run: 40,000
“HayPost” CJSC
“HayPost Trust Management” B.V.
  -   Press release