Voter turnout of the Referendum of the Constitution draft of the Republic of Artsakh as of 8 p.m.

Voter turnout of the Referendum of the Constitution draft of the Republic of Artsakh as of 8 p.m.

  • 21-02-2017 08:55:00   |   |  Press release

In accordance with the NKR law “On referendum” and NKR Electoral Code the Deputy Chaiman of NKR Referendum Central Commission, Yeghishe Arzoumanyan published the information on the district voting process of the Referendum on the Constitution draft of the Republic of Artsakh following the voting process. According to Y.  Arzoumanyan, 79 314 citizens or 76.44 % out of 103 766 - the total number of eligible voters - have participated as of 8 p.m.
The Press Centre of 
NKR Referendum Central Commission

  -   Press release