Armen Ashotian: Serious progress was recorded in Armenia's<br /> foreign policy lately<br />

Armen Ashotian: Serious progress was recorded in Armenia's
foreign policy lately

  • 28-04-2009 16:45:00   | Armenia  |  Politics
YEREVAN, APRIL 28, NOYAN TAPAN. Dynamic developments are noticed in Armenia's foreign policy lately, and no step has been taken against country's national interests. Armen Ashotian, a member of the RA NA RPA faction, said at the April 27 press conference. In his words, President Serzh Sargsyan carried out intensive diplomatic policy with a number of countries, including the U.S., RF, and IRI. In A. Ashotian's opinion, progress was also recorded in the issue of normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations. "From 1993 Turkey has closed its border with Armenia and showed that it is the supporter of Azerbaijan in the issue of problem's solution. Armenia's diplomatic success is that the issue of normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations is already separated from the Nagorno Karabakh settlement," A. Ashotian said. Speaking about U.S. President Barack Obama's April 24 address, A. Ashotian said that it is obviously a step forward as compared with former U.S. Presidents' addresses. In his words, Obama classed the events of 1915 as Mets Yeghern, which is a synonym of the word "genocide".
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