Minister of Diaspora: Issue of Armenian Genocide cannot be a<br /> subject of bargaining<br />

Minister of Diaspora: Issue of Armenian Genocide cannot be a
subject of bargaining

  • 24-04-2009 17:55:00   | Armenia  |  Politics
YEREVAN, APRIL 24, NOYAN TAPAN. The Armenian President declares that the Armenian-Turkish borders should be opened, diplomatic relations should be established without preconditions, and the issue of Armenian Genocide can never be a subject of bargaining in developments of Armenian-Turkish relations. RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobian, who visited Yerevan Memorial Complex of Armenian Genocide on April 24, reminded in her interview to journalists. The Minister emphasized that the Armenian communities are aware that the Armenian state has not changed its policy in this issue. "April is not only a month of death, but also a month of rebirth, and today all Diasporan Armenians, all communities in the world mourn over the memory of our millions of martyrs, commemorate being firmly convinced that all the same, the Armenian Cause, the Armenian Genocide should receive world recognition and should be even recognized by Turkey," she said. Among Armenian high-ranking officials visiting Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex, Hranush Hakobian, as well as Minister of Emergency Situations Mher Shahgeldian were the few officials, who were willing to speak to journalists. RA President Serzh Sargsyan with his wife, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsian, RA Constitutional Court Chairman Gagik Haroutiunian, newly appointed Yerevan Mayor Gagik Beglarian, ministers, deputies, law enforcement structures heads, other officials visited the Memorial Complex. A liturgy was served by Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II at the eternal fire perpetuating the memory of Armenian Genocide victims. U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to RA Marie Yovanovitch said in her interview to journalists: "It is a tragic day: we, the Americans, are today here with the Armenians and have a possibility to pray for them." Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to RA Olexander Bozhko, in his turn, said: "We, the Ukrainians, share the Armenian people's grief, because one cannot speak about the Armenian Genocide without excitement and without indignation, because a whole civilization, the considerable part of the Armenian people was lost. I know it well, as I myself translated the David of Sassoun, I know what a wonderful country Armenia was, I translated the Komitas novelette by Vardan Vardanian, Musegh Galshoyan's novelettes about Western Armenia, I know what there was and what happened." Nevertheless, according to the Ambassador, the Armenian people has passed this very difficult, bloody way, proved its value and continues proving it in the world. O. Bozhko also said that on April 24 Ukrainian TV companies started their broadcasts with the words that "today is April 24, and the whole world remembers that mournful day."
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