Richard Giragosian: U.S. President will not use word<br /> "genocide" in his April 24 address<br /> " />

Richard Giragosian: U.S. President will not use word
"genocide" in his April 24 address

  • 08-04-2009 15:16:00   | Armenia  |  Politics
YEREVAN, APRIL 8, NOYAN TAPAN. U.S. President Barack Obama will not use the word "Armenian Genocide" on April 24 considering this year's April a very dangerous period for it. Richard Giragosian, the head of the Armenian Center for National and International Studies, reported at the April 8 press conference. Meanwhile he said that B. Obama is likely to assist and accept the Congress decision on the Armenian Genocide. However, in R. Giragosian's opinion, recognition of the Genocide by not the U.S., but Turkey is much more important. According to the political scientist, though slowly, Turkey is moving towards recognition of the Armenian Genocide. According to R. Giragosian's prediction, the agreement on improving Armenian-Turkish relations will not be signed at the Turkish Foreign Minister's April 16 visit to Armenia. "Both sides are going to declare it through a third country or an international organization," the political scientist noted. Speaking about opening of Armenian-Turkish border, R. Giragosian said that this circumstance can be a remedy for the "corruption and oligarch system" infection in Armenia. In his words, opening the border poses danger for oligarches and monopolies.
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