Historian Nikolay Hovhannisian: Armenia recorded great<br /> achievements in issue of recognition of Armenian Genocide<br />

Historian Nikolay Hovhannisian: Armenia recorded great
achievements in issue of recognition of Armenian Genocide

  • 03-04-2009 14:50:00   | Armenia  |  Politics
YEREVAN, APRIL 3, NOYAN TAPAN. Armenia recorded great achievements in the issue of recognition of Armenian Genocide, as almost all big states of the world have recognized the Genocide. Corresponding member of the RA National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historic Sciences Nikolay Hovhannisian expressed such an opinion in his interview to Noyan Tapan correspondent. He said that recognition of the Armenian Genocide by such a mighty country as the U.S. will be a great moral victory for the Armenian people. In H. Hovhannisian's opinion, it is possible that after it Turkey will also have to recognize the Armenian Genocide, which will create new possibilities for a positive solution of problems accumulated in Armenian-Turkish relations. H. Hovhannisian does not exclude that on April 24 U.S. President Barack Obama will pronounce the word "genocide." According to him, B. Omaba's main slogan was the word "change," which regarded both foreign and domestic policy. "It seems that B. Obama has been a man of his word up to the present and indeed uses that "change" in a number of spheres. It will be very sad if he does not keep his promise and does not pronounce the word "genocide" in his April 24 speech. It will disappoint not only the Armenians," N. Hovhannisian said.
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