His Holiness Catholicos Aram I visited Glendale Memorial Hospital

His Holiness Catholicos Aram I visited Glendale Memorial Hospital

  • 09-10-2011 14:13:31   |   |  Press release

ANTELIAS, Lebanon - On Friday, October 7, H.H. Catholicos Aram I visited Glendale Memorial Hospital where he met with the administration and blessed the patients. Accompanied by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate of the Eastern United States, and staff bearer Very Rev. Fr. Mesrob Sarkissian, His Holiness was greeted at the entrance of the hospital by Mr. Mark Meyers, President of Glendale Memorial and Board members. Among those participating in the visit were Clergy members, Executive Council members, hospital board and staff members, Glendale Police Chief, Pontifical Visit committee members, and community members. His Holiness and entourage first visited a number of rooms in the children’s wing and blessed the young patients. A welcoming reception followed. The reception began with President Mr. Mark Meyers welcoming His Holiness. He stated that the Armenian residents of Glendale have always supported Memorial Hospital, and this visit by His Holiness attests to that support. Pontifical Visit Public Relations Committee Co-Chair Mr. Steve Artinian, who noted that His Holiness has proclaimed 2011 as the "Year of the Armenian Child", and the Pontiff visiting and blessing the young patients today is an indication of how much of a priority our children are. He then invited the Prelate to introduce His Holiness. The Prelate noted that he closely follows the endeavors of Glendale Memorial Hospital and highly commends the administration and staff for their service. He also stated that visiting the hospital and blessing the patients was a priory for His Holiness during this Pontifical Visit, and invited the Pontiff to deliver his message. His Holiness began his message by stating that the purpose of the day’s visit was to commend the service of the hospital, saying that "medicine is a mission and a calling" just as it is for clergy members. "You meet people’s needs, you meet their expectations, care for them physically and mentally; that is a calling, something that comes from within. In conclusion, His Holiness expressed appreciation for the warm welcome, wished them success in their mission, and prayed for God to bless the hospital, its administration and staff. After an exchange of gifts between His Holiness and Mr. Meyers, the Pontiff and entourage were hosted to lunch by the administration.
  -   Press release