«Armenia and the Holy War. Start the fight against parasitism with yourself»
21-01-2025 11:46:11 | Armenia | Social
Today, in the era of the rising sacred war against the triumphant parasitic paradigm that is rapidly destroying the foundations of humanity, it is more important than ever for all guardians of human essence to recognize the causes of what is happening and unite their forces to protect life on a planet imbued with human dignity.
Once again, during a critical period of sacred choice for humanity, the Civilization of Hayk finds itself at the forefront of the predatory attacks of the parasitic system. Losing thousands and millions of people in this universal war — defenders of culture, history, essence, their homeland, and other creative civilizations — it has, especially in recent years and even days, come to understand the essence of what is happening.
Today, the Civilization of Hayk sees its mission in demonstrating unity to itself and all the peoples of the planet, in understanding this essence, and in acting to save human civilization, founded on the principles of humanity.
Salvation is impossible without cleansing the domain of creative civilizations from the decay of parasitism and pushing it to the periphery. In the realm of our creative civilization, the proponents of parasitism in its vilest and most insidious forms are the leading figures of the Republic of Armenia and the political class they have nurtured. This corrupt political class will inevitably face the Criminal Court of the Armenian Civilizational Tribunal in the name of freeing the domain of the creative Armenian Civilization from all manifestations of parasitism, as a foreign and repugnant phenomenon.
Punishment will be inevitable and will serve as a reminder to future generations of the importance of spiritual hygiene to protect against any forms of parasitism that contradict the laws of the universe.
President of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia)
Academician, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia), Civilization Council of Spiritual HAYK,
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Center for the Prevention of Genocides and Culturocides
Civilizational Tribunal and Arbitration Criminal Court of HAYK