A Group of Yerevan Residents’ Efforts Yield First Positive Results

A Group of Yerevan Residents’ Efforts Yield First Positive Results

  • 24-05-2011 14:51:53   | Armenia  |  Social
Yerevan—Judge Artur Mkrtchyan of the First Instance General Jurisdiction Court of Yerevan’s Arabkir and Kanaker-Zeitun administrative regions examined the collective action which residents of the buildings at 5, 3, and 7/1 Komitas Boulevard had filed against the Liber and Rem Group LLCs. After hearing the case, Judge Mkrtchyan ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and, as a provision, prohibited the defendants and their employees from carrying out constructions and cutting down trees at 5 Komitas Boulevard. The National Citizens’ Initiative (NCI) will keep a watchful eye on this matter and continue to render assistance to the aforesaid residents until the building constructions are disallowed irrevocably and all trees are restored completely. Also, NCI will inform the public on the future course of this issue on regular basis. NCI Press Service For further information, please call (37410) 27-16-00 or 27-00-03; fax (37410) 52-48-46; email [email protected]; or visit www.nci.am
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