A wide range of issues related to the activities of Artsakh diplomatic missions in foreign countries were discussed during the meeting

A wide range of issues related to the activities of Artsakh diplomatic missions in foreign countries were discussed during the meeting

  • 09-03-2011 17:37:24   |   |  Politics
On 9 March President of the Artsakh Republic Bako Sahakyan convoked at the permanent representation of the Artsakh Republic in Paris a working consultation with the participation of our permanent representatives to the European countries and the USA as well as workers of the NKR foreign ministry sent abroad with different diplomatic missions. A wide range of issues related to the activities of Artsakh diplomatic missions in foreign countries were discussed during the meeting. The President underlined the necessity of applying new quality to the work of our representations to the host countries paying special attention to developing relations with the political, analytical and cultural circles. The President gave concrete instructions to Artsakh diplomats for proper realization of the activities. CENTRAL INFORMATION DEPARTMENT OF THE OFFICE OF THE ARTSAKH REPUBLIC PRESIDENT
  -   Politics