Orange supports children with autism

Orange supports children with autism

  • 27-01-2011 21:07:20   | Armenia  |  Press release
Orange and “Arabkir” United Children’s Charity Foundation sum up the results of the project implemented last year and announce about the project for 2011 Yerevan, January 27th, 2011. Today in “ArBeS” Health Center Orange and “Arabkir” United Children’s Charity Foundation summed up the results of the project launched in May 2010, which aimed to support the children with autism and their parents. The project composed of a variety of events and with participation of around 45 teachers, 250 doctors and 100 children, was implemented in Yerevan and in Lori, Shirak, Tavush, Armavir, Aragatsotn and Gegharqunik regions, as well as in the area of Vagharshapat. For implementation of the project Orange allocated in total 25 million 170 thousand AMD. In the scope of the project special courses for the mothers and nurses of children with autism, courses in awareness of autism for teachers and pupils, training courses for pediatrists and family doctors, as well as courses by a German specialists for professional doctors and parents. In the scope of the project 16 children with autism were also provided with an exclusive opportunity to have their summer rest in summer recreation camp on shore of Lake Aparan, accompanied by their mothers and nurses. Bruno Duthoit, Orange CEO, said: “ Being a telecommunication brand, Orange cares about the members of the society with communication problems. Autism is a disease affecting people’s communication abilitites. By caring about the children with autism, the company displayes its responsible attitude towards the children, who are isolated from the world and left out of communication with the society. We are happy about this cooperation, as we work with specialists who know their job well and who have many years of experience. In 2011 the courses for the specialists and mothers of the children with autism will continue to be organized and the summer camp will again host the children with autism.” Ara Babloyan, a member of the Board of Trustees of “Arabkir” United Children’s Charity Foundation said: “Autism is a disease which can be ranked to the undisclosed diseases of the 20th century. Since last year “autism pandemic” is already largely spoken about in the USA. The number of the cases of this disease is also large in Armenia. During the last 4 years 336 new cases of autism were detected in the age group of up to 5-year old children by the specialists of the Children’s Republican Neuropsychiatric Dispansery. By early detection of the disease through relevant rehabilitation and educational activities, we can help the children to adapt to and perceive the surrounding world and foster their independent existence in the society and raise the quality of their life. This project aims not only to help the families of the children with autism and medical specialists, but also to raise public awareness of this disease.”
  -   Press release