By Orange support children of Vayots Dzor and Syunik regions received gifts from Santa Clause

By Orange support children of Vayots Dzor and Syunik regions received gifts from Santa Clause

  • 30-12-2010 18:17:58   | Armenia  |  Press release
It’s already the second year that by Orange support “Kind Santa Clause” project is being implemented in Vayots Dzor region, which aims to bring to life the New Year miracle for the children of the region. From the 28th of December New Year events will be organized and held in Jermuk, Vayq and Yeghegnadzor towns of Vayots Dzor region, and during these events the children will receive their New Year gifts from Santa Clause. From December 23-27 the children of Jermuk, Vayq, Yeghegnadzor and adjacent villages have left their letters addressed to Santa Clause in special postboxes, placed in the aforementioned 3 towns. Starting from December 29th, around 3700 children will get their gifts during special events. Santa Clause will also personally visit around 550 disabled children in Syunik region. Gifts include stationery, books, drawing materials and sweets, but an individual approach has been shown to preparation of the content of each gift package, taking into consideration age, sex and, of course, the wish of the children. Today at the start of the event held in Jermuk, Bruno Duthoit, Orange CEO, said: “New Year is a holiday for all of us, but first of all, it is children's holiday. Last year this project involved only the children of Vayq, but witnessing children's enthusiasm and happiness and inspired by the success of the project, this year we have enlarged the scope and involved the children of Jermuk and Yeghegnadzor. We want children to believe in the New Year miracle as long as possible and let them believe in miracles in general. These children have addressed their letters to Santa with belief, and we are happy to make their wishes to come true”. “Proportional Development” NGO is the initiator and the organizer of this project. For implementation thereof Orange has allotted in total 11,185,000 AMD.
  -   Press release