Bako Sahakyan met chairman of the National Commission on Television and Radio of the Republic of Armenia Grigory Amalyan

Bako Sahakyan met chairman of the National Commission on Television and Radio of the Republic of Armenia Grigory Amalyan

  • 27-02-2012 16:43:42   | Armenia  |  Press release

On 27 February President Bako Sahakyan met chairman of the National Commission on Television and Radio of the Republic of Armenia Grigory Amalyan. Issues related to the cooperation between corresponding structures of the two Armenian states in the telecommunication sphere were discussed during the meeting. Bako Sahakyan considered important the necessity of deepening the cooperation and exchanging experience underlining that it would contribute to the development of the sphere. Chairman of the NKR State Commission on regulating public services and economic competition Hakob Ghahramanyan partook at the meeting. It was announced to Noyan Tapan by the Central Information department of the Office of the Artsakh Republic president.
  -   Press release