Prevention of Wildlife Trafficking Workshop in Yerevan

Prevention of Wildlife Trafficking Workshop in Yerevan

  • 20-02-2015 14:42:08   | Armenia  |  Press release

Illegal wildlife trade, which is coordinated and managed for profit, is the fourth largest illegal
business type after human trafficking, drug trade, and fraud, according to data from the International
Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). Subjects for illegal trade include polar bear fur, paws, reptile
skin, rhino horns, ivory, big cats’ fur and other derivatives, various bird species from raptors to
parrots, and more. In the last 3 years, more than 100,000 elephants have been killed by ivory
poachers; while in 2013, more than 1,000 rhinoceros lost their lives in South Africa alone. Most
tourists are unaware that the souvenirs they buy in different countries are attained by poachers from
endangered species.
From February 23 to 27, the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets
(FPWC), RA Ministry of Nature Protection (MNP), and the IFAW have organized a training
workshop in Yerevan on the provisions of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species (CITES). Established in 1973, CITES regulates the export and import of rare animal and
plant types, as well as their sale or exchange between countries. CITES has 180 country members
with Armenia joining on 21 January 2009.
IFAW has conducted professional development workshops in the Middle East, North Africa, the
Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific regions, and is doing so in the CIS region.
The 5-day workshop in Armenia will encompass theoretical and practical courses in custom
clearance departments. The trainings are intended for employees of all national institutions that are
related to the import and export of wildlife (RA Ministry of Nature Protection, RA Ministry of
Agriculture, RA Ministry of Economy, Yerevan Zoo, and more). The objective of the workshop is to
increase knowledge, skills, and motivation to effectively enforce wildlife trade laws, prevent illegal
trade, and enforce trade conventions.
About FPWC
Established in 2002, FPWC is Armenia’s leading foundation for the protection and conservation of
the country’s unique natural heritage. Working at the crossroads of wildlife protection,
environmental education, as well as community and infrastructure development, the foundation
emphasizes the involvement of rural populations in the sustainable development of Armenia. In all
its projects,
FPWC advocates for mutual respect between human beings, the natural environment,
and cultural heritage, as these are indispensable conditions for the positive development of Armenia.
For further information, please visit:
February 20, 2015
Contact: Syuzanna Petrosyan
010 555209
  -   Press release