The Upper House of the parliament of Argentina adopted the statement condemning the Armenian Genocide

The Upper House of the parliament of Argentina adopted the statement condemning the Armenian Genocide

  • 23-04-2011 17:45:21   |   |  Politics
On the eve of the 96th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide the Upper House of the parliament of Argentina headed by senators Daniel Filmus, Ruben Juastinian, Ernesto Sans, Sonia Eskudero adopted the statement condemning the Armenian Genocide. In the document is written, that on the eve of the 96th anniversary of the Genocide carried out during 1925-1923 years in the Ottoman Empire, the National Senate in memory of the Armenian Genocide re-established his decision to declare the April 24 "The day of tolerance and respect between nations". According to this statement, The National Senate condemns the UN’s agreement adopted in 1948 about "The prevention and punishment of the genocide" and all manifestations towards the rejection of the genocide and expresses his solidarity with the Armenian community in Argentina.
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