Warm relations between Yerevan and Warsaw will become closer

Warm relations between Yerevan and Warsaw will become closer

  • 31-05-2011 15:58:29   | Armenia  |  Politics
Yerevan Mayor Karen Karapetyan met Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Poland to Armenia Zdislav Rachinski. During the meeting the sides exchanged thoughts about organization of a number of events connected with the visit of Polish president to Armenia. Speaking about current programs implemented by the municipality and presenting the fields of business interest, Karen Karapetyan noted that nowadays Yerevan is open to mutual cooperation in the filed of city economics. Giving importance to the willingness and politics of the Armenian side, as well as warm relations between Yerevan and Warsaw, the Ambassador expressed hope hat the mutual relations between the cities of Yerevan and Poland will become and closer. The department of information and public relations of Yerevan municipality informed “Noyan Tapan” about this.
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