• 11-09-2006 18:40:00   | Armenia  |  Economy
YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 11, NOYAN TAPAN. In the period of January-June 2006, the amount of foreign investments (without those receiced through the state governance and banking systems) in the real sector of the Armenian economy made 178 mln 506.6 thousand USD, increasing by 27.9% on the same period of 2005. In the indicated amount, direct investments made 86 mln 272.7 thousand USD and grew by 9.2%. According to the RA National Statistical Service, 48.7% of foreign invsetments made in the real sector during the indicated period (33.1% of direct investments) were allocated for the communication sector. 14.3% of direct investments was made in mining industry, and 9.4% - in air transport. In the indicated period, Greek investments made 37 mln 913 thousand or by 35% less than in January-July 2005. Lebanese investments made 49 mln 616.9 thousand USD (a 2.1fold growth), Russian investments - 19 mln 220.9 thosand (41.9%), Argentinian investments - 17 mln 225.1 thousand USD (3.7fold), US investments - 14 mln 866.8 thousand USD and German investments - 12 mln 111.6 thousand USD (63.1fold).
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