• 02-06-2004 15:10:00   | Armenia  |  Sport
YEREVAN, June 2 (Noyan Tapan). According to the press service, of the Armenian Football Federation, another two matches of Day 7 of the highest team of the Armenian Football Championship were held on June 1. "Lernagorts-Ararat" beat "Banants" with a score of 1:0 at the stadium after Vazgen Sargsian in Yerevan. Karen Navoyan scored the goal on the 47th minute. The match of "Shirak" and "Kotayk" completed with a score of 1:1. Yervand Hakobian ("Shirak") scored the goal on the 14th minute and Norair Grigorian ("Kotayk") could score another goal on the 78th minute.
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