An Evening of Commemoration and Symposium will take place on 28 April, in Jerusalem

An Evening of Commemoration and Symposium will take place on 28 April, in Jerusalem

  • 17-04-2011 12:06:24   |   |  Press release
In April Armenians, world-wide will commemorate the 96th anniversary of the Genocide carried out by the Turkish authorities of the early 20th century. By varied estimates, between one million and 1,500,000 Armenians were slaughtered in acts of organized killing and during forced marches into exile from their historical homeland, then within the borders of the Ottoman empire, towards the Syrian desert. Those who survived became refugees, scattered over the world, some of whom joined the old Armenian community of Jerusalem. The great Armenian cultural tradition received a dreadful blow, but continues to flourish in both the old and new Armenian communities throughout the world, and in the Republic of Armenia. Many nations recognized this Genocide, the first of the organized atrocities of the twentieth century, three decades before the Jewish holocaust. Unfortunately the State of Israel is not yet numbered among them. The Armenian Studies Program of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem will remember the memory of these Armenian martyrs and that of the annihilated Armenian settlements, towns and villages at an Evening of Commemoration and Symposium, which will take place on Thursday, 28 April, 2011 from 6.30 pm. The Symposium will take place in the Beit Meirsdorf Faculty Club, Room 502 on the University’s Mt. Scopus campus. This is an annual event. The Symposium is held by the University’s Armenian Studies Program and representatives of the Jerusalem Armenian Community, as well as the Honourary Consul of Armenia in Jerusalem will participate. The chief speakers will be Prof. Israel Charney who will speak on the topic: “The Memorial of a People's Genocide is for all Humanity” and Prof. Elihu D. Richter from the Hebrew University Medical School who will lecture on “From Memory to Prevention: A Doctor’s Perspective.” The program will also celebrate the Armenian cultural heritage, including Armenian poetry and music. For further details and contacts, call Mr. Yoav Loeff, mobile (052) 267-3939. About Armenian Studies at the Hebrew University, contact Professor Michael E. Stone, [email protected] or the Institute of Asian and African Studies at (02) 588-1220. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Faculty of Humanities Institute of Asian and African Studies Armenian Studies Program 14.04.2011
  -   Press release