Request for Proposals on Mass Media & Social Entrepreneurship

Request for Proposals on Mass Media & Social Entrepreneurship

  • 23-01-2012 12:26:24   | Armenia  |  Press release

1. Open Society Foundation-Armenia requests for proposals in the field of mass media, to support the organisation that deal with media issues and to detect and find new media organisation and develop their capacities. The deadline for proposals submission is 22 February, 2012, 5pm. A question-answer session will be organised on proposals submission on 8 February, 2012, 3 pm, at Congress hotel (United Hall). For more information, please visit this link: 2. The Skoll Foundation has announced the opening of the 2013 application process for the Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship given out each year to select social entrepreneurs who are solving the world's most pressing problems. The award gives a core support grant to the organization ove r a period of 3 years in addition to a noncash award to the social entrepreneur, which is presented every spring at the Skoll World forum. In order to apply to this opportunity, organizations have to first take up an eligibility quiz available at the Skoll Foundation's website. If the applicant successfully passes the quiz, then he or she can enter to submit the online application. The deadline to submit applications is 1 March 2012.
  -   Press release