EFJ Calls on Greek Authorities to Respect Journalists' Rights

EFJ Calls on Greek Authorities to Respect Journalists' Rights

  • 20-02-2012 21:47:08   |   |  Press release
The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today condemned the behavior of the Greek police who prevented journalists from operating freely during recent demonstrations in Athens. "We call upon the Greek authorities, and in particular the police, to let journalists and media workers do their work freely. The Greek people as well as European citizen have to know exactly what is happening in Greece. This implies the respect for basic standards of press freedom". On Friday 17 February, the Greek police prevented Greek journalists Dimitris Trimis, George Savvides and Giorgos Katerinis, from communicating with a German journalist who was arrested for demonstrating peacefully outside the German Embassy in Athens. All three journalists are also leaders of the EFJ affiliates, the Panhellennic Federation of Journalists Unions (PFJU) and the Journalists' Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN). Together with their lawyers they were obstructed by the police from talking to a group of German activists who were protesting against German government policy over Greece. The EFJ is the European group of the International Federation of Journalists The EFJ represents over 260,000 journalists in 30 countries
  -   Press release