Armenian Young Architects and Engineers Share Istanbul Experience on Environmental Sustainability

Armenian Young Architects and Engineers Share Istanbul Experience on Environmental Sustainability

  • 22-02-2012 22:58:20   | Armenia  |  Press release
Yerevan, Armenia - Young architects and engineers from Armenia, who participated in a workshop on sustainable building design and energy use with Turkish colleagues in Istanbul in December 2011 shared their professional and networking experiences on February 21, 2012 at the American University of Armenia. Similar public events are scheduled at the Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction on February 23, 2012, 4 p.m. and at the Union of Armenian Architects on March 1, 2012, 6 p.m. The workshop, held in Istanbul from December12-18, 2011, was the first of its kind organized between Armenian and Turkish building design professionals. The training brought together 24 young architects, urban planners, and engineers – 12 from Armenia and 12 from Turkey – with the aim of creating a cross-border network of students, young professionals and faculty members interested in environmentally sustainable urban planning. The workshop was organizedby the Civic Forum NGO (Armenia) in cooperation with the Eurasia Partnership Foundation and Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul and Izocam, a manufacturer and distributor of insulation materials headquartered in Turkey. The initiative is part of the Support to Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement Project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The organizers of the public events hope that the knowledge and practice on energy efficiency and sustainable architecture shared during the one-week workshop will stimulate cross-border professional networks in the vital field of architecture and design, as well as create possibilities for future joint projects in Armenia, Turkey or other countries. USAID and the Consortium Members support Armenia-Turkey rapprochement by facilitating engagement between civil society groups, the establishment and development of business partnerships and regional professional networks, and enhanced understanding between the people, for peace and economic integration in the region.
  -   Press release