• 06-11-2010 11:58:00   | USA  |  Press release
Washington, DC - Today, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) released a review on the 2010 midterm elections held earlier this week. As previously reported by the Assembly, this year's historic election brought about a dramatic shift in power to the United States House of Representatives with Republicans winning over 60 seats; the largest shift in power for the Republican Party since 1938. It was also the first time since the direct election of Senators in 1914 that the House has switched majorities and the Senate has not. Regarding Armenian issues, over 95 percent of the Members on the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues won re-election and will return to Congress. Given the high anti-incumbency sentiment, this number illustrates the overwhelming success of Congressional friends of Armenia. With current Minority leader John Boehner (R-OH) set to become House Speaker next year, today, current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced her intention to run as Minority leader for the 112th Congress. Speaker Pelosi has been a member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues since its inception in 1995, and a long-time supporter of Armenian issues, including Armenian Genocide affirmation. In a separate review of genocide recognition supporters, over 90 percent of cosponsors currently listed on H. Res. 252, the Armenian Genocide resolution, won re-election, providing a solid base of support. Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization. As such, the Assembly does not endorse any candidate for elected office.
  -   Press release