Congratulatory address of Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan in connection with the Day of Teachers

Congratulatory address of Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan in connection with the Day of Teachers

  • 05-10-2010 14:03:00   | Armenia  |  Social
Congratulatory address of Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan in connection with the Day of Teachers Dear teachers, I congratulate you on this beautiful professional holiday and address the warmest words and sincere wishes to all of you. Great responsibility and heavy burden lie on your shoulders. You educate and bring up our children who are the future of heroic Artsakh and masters of the following day. This future to a great extent also depends on your painstaking work, on your ability to fulfill this very important mission today. Our people always respected teachers and bowed before their labor. Today the role of teacher is still very important for the life of our society. The fact that the authorities of Artsakh take necessary steps to create normal working conditions for teachers, raise the education quality and solve the issues present in the sphere timely and in an efficient way is the conspicuous evidence of this. Be confident, this process will be of a continuous nature. Dear friends, I congratulate all of you once again and wish robust health, happiness and all the best. Stepanakert, October 5, 2010.
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