Europe Day in Yerevan

Europe Day in Yerevan

  • 15-05-2012 12:39:05   | Armenia  |  Press release
On the occasion of Europe Day, the European Union Delegation to Armenia organized an open-air public celebration on 12 May at Northern Avenue. "Europe Day is a special occasion for the European Union. Not only does it mark the beginning of European integration, but it also symbolizes common European values. Today we celebrate Europe in Armenia and we hope that all participants, especially the youth, will learn more about the EU and EU-Armenia cooperation", said Traian Hristea, the Head of EU Delegation to Armenia. The celebration began with information fair and diverse cultural activities on Northern Avenue. Around 50 EU funded projects presented their efforts in diverse areas, including education, human rights, trade, environment and others. REC Caucasus Armenia together with numerous organizations, foundations and centers took part in the information fair and presented its mission, goals, as well as achievements, on-going and future projects. RECC Armenia, prepared and distributed large scale of information on the EU-funded regional project Fostering Community Forest Policy and Practice in Mountain Regions of the Caucasus (FCFPP), especially publications, brochures, booklets, leaflets highlighting achievements and outputs of the project and CD information packs including outlines of CFMPs, SWOT analysis and Legal analysis, reforestation plans. This year Europe Day guests and visitors had the unique opportunity to meet with EU Ambassadors during a round table discussion and raised questions on EU-Armenia relations. Another novelty is an overnight performance on 11 May, during which five young artists created large-scale paintings reflecting Europe. The celebration culminated with a folk fusion concert, during which local musicians and a guest vocalist from France – Nadeah, presented a unique mix of Armenian and European music. During the concert, the EU Delegation announced the winner of the Youth Contest “My European Friend and I”.
  -   Press release