First stage of this year's Ari Tun pograms starts<br />

First stage of this year's Ari Tun pograms starts

  • 16-06-2010 20:00:00   | Armenia  |  Social
YEREVAN, JUNE 16, NOYAN TAPAN. A joint consultation of Ari Tun program's interdepartmental and inner working groups took place at the RA Ministry of Diaspora on June 15. The issue of selection of the program's host families was on the agenda of the consultation chaired by Minister of Diaspora Ms. Hranush Hakobian. Executives of Yerevan Municipality and all administrative regions participated in the consultation. They presented reports on the recruitment of host families and on the process of their selection. H. Hakobian informed those present about the start of the first stage of Ari Tun (Come Home) program on June 23. In her words, about a hundred participants aged 13-20 from the U.S, Canada, Syria, Russia, Latvia, and Georgia have already submitted their applications. The minister underlined the important role of host families in the successful implementation of the program. According to a press release of the RA Ministry of Diaspora, Ms. Hakobian expressed a hope that as last year, this year too this patriotic program will be efficiently carried out by common efforts.
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