Dairy food manufacturers want to set up specialized NGO to<br /> control sector <br />

Dairy food manufacturers want to set up specialized NGO to
control sector

  • 18-05-2010 19:34:00   | Armenia  |  Economy
YEREVAN, MAY 18, NOYAN TAPAN. Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan visited Biokat company on May 18. The business plan of Biokat had earlier been approved by the operative staff established under the direction of the prime minister. As part of its anti-crisis program, the government had instructed SME Investment CJSC to assist the company, to which 120 million drams has been allocated in loans at a 13% annual interest rate, with a repayment period of 36 months, including a 6-month grace period. The loans allowed the company to re-equip its new department and laboratory, fow which new labware and accessory have been purchased. During his visit to the enterprise, T. Sargsyan familiarized himself with the results of work done thanks to the allocated loans. He was informed that so far the company has created 31 jobs. Biokat is increasing the range of its products. The formation of ice cream and yoghurt departments has been completed, and they will start operating on May 25, ensuring new jobs. According to the press service of the government, having toured the enterprise, the prime minister conducted a working consultation. The establishment of an association or NGO to represent the interests of dairy food manufacturers was discussed at the consultation. Its functions will include control of the quality of dairy products and monitoring of the competitive field. Then Tigran Sargsyan answered the questions of reporters. In particular, he said: "We stated from the very first that our work should be open and transparent. The decisions taken by the operative staff should be controlled by our society. All the decisions have been posted on the government website. We will regularly visit the enterprises, to which assistance has been given. Today we have come to such an enterprise to see how the loan has been spent. We have reached our goal, our undertaking has been successful: new jobs have been created. The competition in this sector is intensifying, especially as high quality products have appeared in the market. Of course, the problem of small and medium business will be the focus of the government's attention. Considerable work was carried out in 2009, but we are not satisfied yet with the results". Speaking about the working consultation, T. Sargsyan underlined the circumstance that the dairy food manufacturers want to set up a specialized NGO to control the sector. "This will contribute to solidarity and self-control, which is much more efficient than when the state tries to deal with the problem. We are ready to assist such NGOs, cooperate with them, recognize the certificates granted by them and grant some status to them, which will greatly enhance the role of such organizations in market regulation," the prime minister said.
  -   Economy