When travelling in Russia Orange customers can make payments through 70,000 points of InterExpress payment system

When travelling in Russia Orange customers can make payments through 70,000 points of InterExpress payment system

  • 01-08-2012 18:44:55   | Armenia  |  Press release
Today Orange Armenia announced its partnership with the Russian Intercoopbank. Thanks to this partnership Orange customers can make instant payments for mobile telephony and internet services through up to 70,000 points of sale and service of Intercoopbank in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Tadjikistan, as well as in the UAE and Czech Republic and make money transfers all over the world. This will be especially necessary and irreplaceable offer for those in roaming, who without difficulties will be able to top up their account through self-service terminals, ATMs or at bank affiliates, mobile telephony service centers and shops. The most comfortable mean will be for sure payments terminals CyberPlat and Lider which are connected to InterExpress payment system, that are available at almost all metro stations. For more information please visit www.ikb.ru and http://www.interexpress.ru/about/geography/. -ends- Press contact: Lilith Martirosyan PR responsible Phone: 095 988 608 Email: [email protected] Web: www.orangearmenia.am Facebook: www.facebook.com/orangearmenia.ftgroup
  -   Press release