The Armenian Secret Army's (ASALA)REFUTATION

The Armenian Secret Army's (ASALA)REFUTATION

  • 11-09-2012 19:53:59   | Armenia  |  Press release
We categorically deny the misinformation spread by the Azerbaijani authorities that our organization has sent threatening letters to their embassy in Budapest. As an organization, the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA) has never engaged into any activity concerning the colonial and expansionist policy of Azerbaijan, and consequently we deny such misleading, fake news and declarations in our name. The Republic of Azerbaijan has turned into a hereditary, despotic and royal-like regime by the “Aliev Dynasty” which spreads such childish misinformation in a desperate attempt to divert the international public attention that was caused by the immoral act of pardoning of the sentenced killer Ramil Safarov. The World has witnessed how the Army of the heroic people of Artsakh (Mountainous Karabakh) equipped with braveness and morality, in the name of Homeland, Freedom and Independence, by themselves and without any external support, managed to completely destroy Aliyev’s timid mercenaries, who as it seems are only capable of cowardly murdering sleeping Armenian soldiers with an axe, thus becoming Aliyev Dynasty’s “typical hero” thereby manifesting to the entire world the Azerbaijani interpretation of Justice and International Law. The liberation of the western portion of Armenia was and remains the main purpose of the Armenian Diaspora and, naturally, ASALA’s main mission. As such we do not divert from our mission. Turkey cannot avoid the judgment of history for the annihilation of millions of innocent Armenians. Turkey cannot establish a state over the relics of a massacred people. The renaissance of the people of the region knocks the door to Ankara’s colonial regime. There is no doubt that Armenian and Kurdish people will restore their denied rights and liberate their Homelands from the Turkish occupation. Victory to the Armenian people! Justice to all people deprived of their rights! The Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA) September 11, 2012
  -   Press release