11-06-2013 13:50:13 | Armenia | Social
YEREVAN, ARMENIA – On June 14, the fifth international Pharmaceutical Competitiveness Conference will take place in Yerevan at the State Medical University after Heratsi. The conference will provide a platform for private and public stakeholders in the pharmaceutical sector to become acquainted with the latest achievements in the Armenian industry, discuss common issues and new projects, and explore new partnership opportunities.
The conference will have two sessions. The first one, entitled “Pharmaceutical Achievements of Armenia,” will focus on the latest achievements in the Armenian pharmaceutical market, new developments, ongoing reforms and development strategies. During the second session of the conference, “The Best Achievements in International Pharmaceutics,” participants will hear from the representatives of foreign pharmaceutical companies about their activities, latest achievements, products, as well as technological and scientific discoveries and innovative approaches.
Pharma Armenia EXPO, the annual specialized exhibition of pharmaceutics, will be held in parallel with the conference. The EXPO is a unique opportunity for local and foreign pharmaceutical companies to present their products and recent achievements.
The conference is organized by the Medicine Producers and Importers Union (MPIU) of Armenia with the support of the USAID-funded Enterprise Development and Market Competitiveness (EDMC) Project and the Industrial Development Fund of Armenia. The conference is also supported by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Economy, the Scientific Centre of Drug and Medical Technology Expertise, the Armenian Development Agency, and the State Medical University. The conference will be live-streamed through the official website at .
WHO: Welcoming speeches will be delivered by Minister of Health Derenik Dumanyan, Minister of Economy Vahram Avanesyan, and USAID/Armenia Mission Director Karen Hilliard.
Participants will include over 500 doctors, representatives of pharmacies, local and international pharmaceutical companies, scientists, and experts.
WHERE: State Medical University after M. Heratsi, conference hall (2 Koryun Street, Yerevan)
WHEN: June 14, 10:00AM
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The MPI Union of Armenia was founded in 2003 and represents 22 leading pharmaceutical companies of Armenia. The aim of the Union is to integrate Armenian companies into the international pharmaceutical market, to implement working style improvements and to provide fair and equal competition in the industry. The Union makes efforts to ensure the availability of safe medicines, organizes training for pharmacists, local and foreign producers and supports state agencies to develop and revise relevant regulations.
The USAID-funded Enterprise Development and Market Competitiveness (EDMC) Project seeks to improve Armenia’s business environment and support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This five-year project aims to increase employment and income in Armenia by promoting growth in select value chains that have strong export potential–high technology, pharmaceuticals/biotechnologies, food processing, and hospitality.