Bako Sahakyan participated in а solemn event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the NKR foreign ministry's formation

Bako Sahakyan participated in а solemn event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the NKR foreign ministry's formation

  • 19-07-2013 14:46:37   |   |  Politics

On 19 July Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan participated in а solemn event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the NKR foreign ministry's formation.
In his speech the President congratulated the staff of the structure on the jubilee and noted that the formation of the ministry in one of the most fateful periods of our state building and national liberation struggle was call of the times and necessity. Bako Sahakyan underlined that the ministry of foreign affairs is among the most important institutions of our independent statehood, which since the very moment of its formation defends in the diplomatic front the interests of the Artsakh Republic and its people in different international instances and platforms, adding that the state will continue to promote conceivable assistance aimed at solving issues the structure faces.
Thereafter the Head of the State handed in state awards and granted diplomatic ranks to a group of the foreign ministry officers. 
Primate of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, NKR second president Arkady Ghoukasyan,  National Assembly speaker Ashot Ghoulyan, premier Ara Haroutyunyan, Armenian minister of foreign affairs Edward Nalbandyan, the incumbent and former foreign ministers of the NKR, representatives of state, political and public sectors and guests from abroad partook in the event.
  -   Politics