President attended the groundbreaking ceremony for a new check-point in Bagratashen
27-09-2013 13:58:57 | | Social
President Serzh Sargsyan conducted today a working visit to Tavush marz. The President attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the a check-point in Bagratashen. The check-point is being constructed in the framework of the RA State Border Bagratashen, Bavra and Gogavan Modernization Program. In Bagratashen, the President was familiarized with the process of implementation of this 60.6 million Euro worth program and forthcoming works. Reports were made by the Head of the RA Government State Revenue Committee Gagik Khatchatrian, Head of the EU Head of Delegation in Armenia Traian Hristea, UN Resident Coordinator in Armenia Bradley Busetto, Head of the National Security Strategy Implementation Department of the RA National Security Council Aram Tananian. The event was attended also by the representatives of the state border control bodies, international and international financial organizations, diplomatic corps, and mass media.
Bagratashen, Bavra and Gogavan check-point modernization program is carried out by the Development Program of the United Nations (UNDP), construction works are conducted by the French SADE Consortium and the State Revenue Service is coordinating the entire process. The program is financed by the EU grant and other credits.
The program will allow to solve the problem of the installment and development of a comprehensive system of management of the RA state borders, enhancement of security at the state borders, facilitation of border crossing processes for the citizens and business entities and will enhance international trade. It is expected that the modernization of the cross-points will also considerably improve the living standards for the local population since it will create temporary jobs for the period of construction and permanent jobs when the construction is completed. It will allow to ensure smooth flow of economic activities through the check-point. In addition, the population will see improvements in the communication and information related issues.
The modernization process of the RA border check-points commenced back in 2010 with the Presidential decree on the adoption of the RA state border security and comprehensive management strategy, which was followed by the adoption of a program in 2011 aimed at the realization of relevant measures for the implementation of the strategy in the period of 2011-2015. The program mentions as a priority the modernization of three check-points – Bagratashen, Bavra and Gogavan.
On July 22, 2013, President signed another decree which implies introduction at the RA state border check-point crossing procedures of the One Stop, One Window approach.