Youth Regional Debating Contest

Youth Regional Debating Contest

  • 21-11-2013 17:00:22   | Armenia  |  Press release

21 November, 2013 YEREVAN - Heifer Armenia with the support of the European Union organized youth regional contest on Debating in Yerevan, on 20 November 2013. Young people from four Black Sea Basin countries such as Armenia, Georgia, Turkey and Bulgaria engaged in the Youth Action for Regional Coherence and Cooperation (YARCC) project participated in the contest.
The aim of the contest was to provide the young people involved in the project with the opportunity to practice the knowledge and skills on debating and argumentation that they received through the trainings conducted within YARCC project. 
Heifer Armenia Country Director Ms Anahit Ghazanchyan said that she is proud of the young people gathered from the whole region to participate in the contest. “I have already seen how the Armenian youth engaged in the project have benefitted from the training on debating and logic and how skillfully they used their knowledge during the national contest on debating and argumentation,” Anahit Ghazanchyan noted. She added that now she sees young people from the whole region empowered and equipped with strong skills and ready for the regional debating contest. “I am sure this generation of young people will become the pillars of the bridge of coherence and cooperation across the Black Sea Basin countries,” Anahit Ghazanchyan underlined.
After the debate the selected jury made a decision on the winners of the contest from each country. The awards were in three nominations: “The Best Debating Logic”, “The Best Debating Presentation”, and “The Best Debating Ethic”. Each participant received an Award Certificate in one of these nominations. 
YARCC is co-financed by the European Union in the amount of 208,104.23 EUROthrough the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument. The overall objective of the Action is to contribute to regional partnerships and cooperation towards a common and cohesive cultural environment where common values and the richness of Europe’s cultural diversity are shared and valued. The project began in May 2013 and its duration is 12 months.
Further information:
Liana Hayrapetyan
Communication and PR Coordinator
Heifer Armenia
Tel: 010 208302
  -   Press release