State prices of precious metals continue to rise<br />

State prices of precious metals continue to rise

  • 16-03-2010 15:06:00   | Armenia  |  Economy
YEREVAN, MARCH 16, NOYAN TAPAN. The State Treasury of Precious Metals and Stones agency of the RA Ministry of Finance established the following purchase and sale prices (in drams) of 1 gram of chemically pure metal for precious metals in the period of March 15-21: Gold - purchase price 12,978.29 (+21.2), sale price 14,106.84 (+23.05); silver - purchase price 199.75 (+5.16), sale price 217.12 (+5.61); platinum - purchase price 18,562.60 (+556.93), sale price 20,176.74 (+605.36); palladium - purchase price 5,392.87 (+244.31), sale price 5,861.82 (+265.56).
  -   Economy