22-01-2015 13:23:42 | Armenia | Science and Technology
Now, in case of subscribing to one of VivaCell-MTS’ “MTS Connect Student”, “MTS Connect Unlimited” and “MTS Connect Unlimited+” postpaid Internet tariff plans for 12 months, the subscriber can get an “MTS Connect E3351” USB modem, providing speed up to 42,2 Mbps and optimized for using the “Skype” service, free of charge.
In case of activating the “Skype” service when subscribing to one of the offered tariff plans, the Internet traffic consumed while using “Skype” is not deduced from the monthly high-speed package provided by the tariff plan. Besides, after consuming the high-speed Internet package when using the “Skype” service, the Internet speed is not confined to the speed provided by the tariff plan.
The price of the service for using “Skype” at special terms is AMD 500 per month.
The price of the modem in case of termless subscription to one of the offered tariff plans is AMD 50 000.
For more information one can visit www.mts.am or pda.mts.am mobile site, contact 111 free of charge hotline, chat with us through “111 Online”, or approach one of our service centers across Armenia.
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