The Iranian embassy in Azerbaijan has dismissed the reports<br /> in Armenian mass media.<br />

The Iranian embassy in Azerbaijan has dismissed the reports
in Armenian mass media.

  • 23-02-2010 18:30:00   | Iran  |  Politics
TEHRAN, FEBRUARY 23, NOYAN TAPAN - ARMENIANS TODAY. According to the report of the news service for the Iranian embassy in Azerbaijan, the position of official Tehran regarding the Karabakh conflict remains changeless and has repeatedly been voiced by the president, the foreign minister and other officials of Iran. Iran recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and it will never disavow this position. The embassy also rejected the statements by the Armenian press saying they have distorted the statements of the Iranian diplomats in Yerevan. Reports said earlier that the Iranian embassy in Armenia has spoken against the opinion of the vice speaker of the Iranian parliament, thus rejecting the Iranian possition on the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. According to the spokesman for the Iranian embassy in Armenia Ardeshir Javadi, only the president, the foreign minister and the foreign ministry's office voice the official position of Iran in the issues of foreign policy.
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