Armenia's GDP grows by 2.4% in January 2010 compared to<br /> same month of 2009<br />

Armenia's GDP grows by 2.4% in January 2010 compared to
same month of 2009

  • 19-02-2010 16:22:00   | Armenia  |  Economy
YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 19, NOYAN TAPAN. Armenia's GDP grew by 2.4% and amounted to 149bn 491.4m drams (about 391.8m USD) in January 2010 compared to the same month of 2009. The GDP index-deflator made 10.5%. According to the RA National Statistical Service, industrial production grew by 6.5% to 53bn 657.8m drams in Armenia in January 2010 on January 2009. Gross agricultural output increased by 3.1% to 14bn 753.7m drams, while construction volumes declined by 10.7% to 9bn 838m drams in the indicated period. Retail trade remained at the same level and amounted to 61bn 556.6m drams, services declined by 2.2% to 47bn 830m drams. Foreign trade of Armenia grew by 14.8% in January 2010 on the same month of last year and amounted to 296.4m USD, with exports growing by 57.7% to 53.9m USD and imports growing by 8.3% to 242.5m USD. Consumer prices rose by 1.7% in January 2010 compared with January 2009 and by 7% compared with December 2009. The index of industrial production prices rose by 39.7% in January 2010 on January 2009. The number of officially registered enemployed people grew by 12.1% in Armenia in January 2010 on January 2009 and made 84.9 thousand. The average monthly nominal salary amounted to 101,704 drams (8.8% growth compared to last year) in January 2010, including the salary of 86,499 drams (12.3% growth) in the state sector and the salary of 123,966 drams (5.2% growth) in the non-state sector. The average exchange rate of one USD made 377.53 drams in January 2010.
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