VivaCell-MTS informs on steps to protect its subscribers from mobile fraud
07-07-2015 15:45:19 | Armenia | Science and Technology
VivaCell-MTS continuously takes comprehensive measures to protect its subscribers from known and possible cyber-attacks. For example, VivaCell-MTS filters spam and temporarily blocks incoming and/or outgoing calls in international directions if massive fraud calls to VivaCell-MTS subscriber numbers are identified.
In this regard it is essential to immediately notify VivaCell-MTS in case of detecting cases of fraud, which will allow the company to fight against fraud in a more systematized manner and in cooperation with the subscribers.
VivaCell-MTS also cooperates with legal enforcement bodies, other telecommunications operators, its partners and suppliers to prevent mobile fraud attacks on subscribers and to ensure the provision of safe communication services.
There are numerous types of mobile fraud which aim at enticing the subscriber to act in a way as to allow obtaining money from the subscriber’s account, get hold of subscriber’s personal data, or even his bank account if the subscriber frequently uses online banking services through the mobile device.
Mobile fraud includes variety of scams, such as:
a) Offering virus programs which perform various actions through the subscriber’s mobile device or let using the personal data available,
b) Installing various programs in the subscriber’s device from unknown websites, which make calls and send SMS messages, without the subscriber’s consent,
c) Collecting metadata on the geographic location and preferences of the subscriber via the mobile device without the subscriber’s consent,
d) Using subscriber’s mobile phone as a remote control device for carrying out various actions (e.g. sending advertising SMS to subscriber’s contacts from the subscriber’s mobile number).
However, mobile fraud can be avoided if you follow a few simple rules:
How to avoid becoming victim of a mobile fraud?
1.Set passwords for mobile devices and use them when leaving the mobile device out of sight or when planning not to use it for a long period of time