Nagorno Karabakh Republic (Artsakh Republic) Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman)
21-04-2016 17:36:26 | | Human Rights
Interim Public Report
On Atrocities Committed by Azerbaijani Military Forces Against
the Civilian Population of the NKR and the Servicemen of the NKR Defence Army
on 2-5April 2016
Dear Colleagues,
On April 02, 2016 Azerbaijani military forces breached the Ceasefire Agreement of 1994 by a well-planned large-scale massive attack. The most serious and bloody military operation along the entire NKR-Azerbaijani line of contact for the last 20 years was initiated, that resulted in gross mass violations of human rights.
Today, the Interim Public Report of the NKR Ombudsman on Atrocities Committed by Azerbaijani Military Forces against the Civilian Population of the NKR and the Servicemen of the NKR Defence Army on April 2-5, 2016 has been published.
The Report is in English and it analyses the Azerbaijani hatred policy towards people of Armenian origin and its horrific consequences that violate all international human rights standards with certain examples of torture and humiliation. The Report provides international human rights organizations’ objective assessments of Azerbaijan’s policy of inciting hatred and violence towards people of Armenian ethnicity. It also presents hate speech in the Azerbaijani mass media and social networks. The Report also reveals Azerbaijani high officials and other public persons activities aimed at spreading hate speech and incitement to violence.
The Report presents the violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law; cases of attacks on civlian population of NKR, cases of inhuman treatment, as well as cases of torture and mutilation of the NKR Defence Army Servicemen.
The Report will be sent to international human rights organizations, ombudsmen’s international institutions and to respective foreign institutions.
I would like to thank the human rights NGOs of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh for their assistance in drafting the Report, as well as all mass media representatives that have revealed in their publications the brutal cases of gross human rights violations.
18+ Warning:
The Report contains pictures and descriptions of brutality and mutilation committed by Azerbaijani military forces. The report reflects pictures largely disseminated in the media.