The Representative of NYCA was elected as a member of Financial Control Commission of European Youth Forum

The Representative of NYCA was elected as a member of Financial Control Commission of European Youth Forum

  • 21-11-2016 16:51:48   | Bulgaria  |  Press release

The Secretary General of National Youth Council of Armenia (NYCA) Lilit Beglaryan was elected as a member of Financial Control Commission of European Youth Forum (YFJ) in General Assembly held in Varna on November 17-20.
We should note, that during the 25th conference of DEMYC (Democrat Youth Community of Europe) the Secretary General of NYCA was elected as Vice-Chairwoman of DEMYC, which gave the Armenian young people bigger opportunity of participation and cooperation within the framework of the programs of the organization.
European Youth Forum is the largest platform of youth organizations in Europe. It supports young people in their active participation in all the social processes. Since 2002 National Youth Council of Armenia is a full member of European Youth Forum and it participates in all the projects and assemblies organized by YFJ. This time NYCA was represented by Lilit Beglaryan and Sos Hakobyan.
It is important to note, that 3 members were elected in the Financial Control Commission, one of them will later be elected as a president of the commission.
Within the framework of the Assembly held in Varna, the new Board was elected as well, a resolution on EU youth strategy was adopted, elections were held referring membership applications and documents concerning further strategy of the organization, the work plan and agenda of YFJ for 2017-2019 was developed, and the budget for 2017 was  approved. Members of Consultative Body on Membership Applications were appointed.
The newly elected member of Financial Control Commission of YFJ, the Secretary General of NYCA Lilit Beglaryan noted that the success refers not only to her but also to the whole Armenian youth, as this achievement will create new opportunities for Armenian young people to raise their voice in the highest international platforms and to develop new ways of cooperation with the largest international organizations.
                                               National Youth Council of Armenia

  -   Press release