It is envisaged passing Armautostation to another company<br /> for concessionary or trust management<br />

It is envisaged passing Armautostation to another company
for concessionary or trust management

  • 21-12-2009 20:22:00   | Armenia  |  Economy
YEREVAN, DECEMBER 21, NOYAN TAPAN. The RA Ministry of Transport and Communication is now prepaing a concept to pass Armautostation company to another company for concessionary or trust management, minister Gurgen Sargsyan announced on December 21. He said that the ministry initiated the process of passing Armautostation CJSC for concessionary management as early as 2008. "We decided that this company should be given to some other company for management rather than be privatized. The issue of whether it will be concessionary or trust management is still under discussion," G. Sargsyan said. In his words, a similar company was privatized in Georgia and now it no longer exists, whereas in several countries, such companies are either state-run or have been given to other companies for management.
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