The Masis Development Foundation and Armenian Red Cross Society has started a cooperation recently

The Masis Development Foundation and Armenian Red Cross Society has started a cooperation recently

  • 30-06-2017 15:59:27   |   |  Social

On 28-29 June, Armenian Red Cross Society (ARCS) conducted training on First Aid for the volunteers of Masis Youth Center, at Masis Development Foundation. The Masis Development Foundation was established by the charitable organization Adibekyan Family Foundation for Advancement in 2015, with the aim of supporting social, economic and cultural development of the city.
The Masis Development Foundation and Armenian Red Cross Society has started a cooperation recently and will implement joint educational programs for Masis Youth. In the frames of this cooperation the first training was conducted for the participants of Masis Youth Center at Masis Development Foundation by the specialists of Armenian Red Cross Society. The event was dedicated to the basics of First Aid. 
“We are pleased to cooperate with Armenian Red Cross Society. Our organizations implement similar activities, the aim of Masis Development Foundation is to improve the live conditions of vulnerable groups, regardless their nationality, gender,  material status and political views. We pay special attention to supporting Youth initiatives, that’s why our cooperation started from training for Youth Center volunteers”, mentioned Stepan Hovhannisyan, Masis Development Foundation Executive Director, welcoming the participants.  
“During the two days of first-aid training, which included a theoretical part and demonstration of practical skills, the volunteers of Masis Youth (MY) Center were taught how to recognize the emergency situation, how to respond and provide first-aid in case of bleeding, muscular fractures, burns, poisoning, soft tissue injuries and other cases. During the training different workshops and exercises on both bandaging of damaged parts, recovery of the heart work and breathing and work with injured who are in an unconscious state were held”, - said Astghik Atanyan, the First Aid Instructor of the Armenian Red Cross Society.
Astghik Atanyan added, that it was nice to work with the group, because the youngsters were very informed and full of enthusiasm. They actively participated in both theoretical lessons and practical and were very active during the discussions. 
Eduard Petrosyan, the volunteer of MY Center shared his impressions regarding the training: "It was very informative and interesting. At school and outside of it I have read some literature, but this course, besides the theoretical knowledge, provided an opportunity to gain the practical experience. Now I am more confident, because I know the basics of behavior in case of emergency, moreover, how to react and save life in case of necessity."
Masis Development Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2015 by the charitable organization Adibekyan Family Foundation for Advancement with the aim of promoting the development of the city of Masis. The Foundation's work is aimed at uniting the residents to improve the quality of life in the city and creating a new generation of active, passionate citizens who will subsequently contribute to the development and prosperity of Armenia.
In 2016, Foundation founded the Masis Youth Center for the development of youth initiatives of the city, to support on going projects, as well as to implement new ones. 
For more information on Masis Development Foundation activities, please visit 
Armenian Red Cross Society (ARCS) is full member of International of Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, following the Fundamental Principles of the Movement, and is an auxiliary organization to the Government in Humanitarian field.  ARCS Mission _ To  reduce vulnerability of the population through mobilization of the power of humanity. To be prepared to cope with situations, which may cause vulnerability of the population. To provide essential support by assisting people made vulnerable by harsh socio-economic conditions.
For more information on Masis Development Foundation activities, please visit  

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