17th sitting of Interparliamentary Commission on<br /> Cooperation between National Assembly of Armenia and Federal<br /> Assembly of Russia held in Yerevan <br />

17th sitting of Interparliamentary Commission on
Cooperation between National Assembly of Armenia and Federal
Assembly of Russia held in Yerevan

  • 10-11-2009 19:00:00   | Armenia  |  Economy
YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 10, NOYAN TAPAN. The 17th sitting of the Interparliamentary Commission on Cooperation between the National Assembly of Armenia and the Federal Assembly of Russia was held in Yerevan on November 9. As the press service of the RA National Assembly reported, the bilateral cooperation in the transport sector and cargo transportation, also the prospects of connecting to the Iranian and Turkish railways, increasing cargo traffic volumes and making them more efficient were discussed at the sitting. The Chairperson of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Hermine Naghdalian underlined the role and importance of cargo transportation, especially by rail, for the Armenian economy under blockade. She spoke about the danger of the red tape related to cargo transportation, the negative consequences of the system's monopolization, and the free and unfounded price policy. She expressed a hope that persistent joint work may put these issues in order. The opinion of the Russian side regarding the same problem was presented by Director General of South Caucasus Railways company Shevket Shaydullin who said that their major aim is to ensure continuous efficiency and financial stability of the sector, improve the quality of transportation services, develop transport sector of Armenia and integrate it into the Eurasian transportation system. He informed those present about the repairs and technical modernization carried out and the company's future plans. It was mentioned that the work has slowed down due to the financial and economic crisis, as a result of which cargo traffic has declined, and the company is operating at a loss. According to S. Shaydullin, the concession agreement allows conducting a flexible price policy, except on cargo transportation of strategic importance, which makes up 60% of the overall cargo traffic. The next sitting of the Interparliamentary Commission will be held in Moscow in March 2010.
  -   Economy