Bako Bako Sahakyan together with President Serzh Sargsyan partook at the opening of the “Mutual Trust, Unity and Responsibility” hosted in Yerevan 6th Armenia-Diaspora conference.

Bako Bako Sahakyan together with President Serzh Sargsyan partook at the opening of the “Mutual Trust, Unity and Responsibility” hosted in Yerevan 6th Armenia-Diaspora conference.

  • 18-09-2017 16:15:52   | Armenia  |  Press release

On 18 September Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan together with President Serzh Sargsyan of the Republic of Armenia partook at the opening of the “Mutual Trust, Unity and Responsibility” hosted in Yerevan 6th Armenia-Diaspora conference.
In his welcome address President Sahakyan noted the significance and relevance of this high-level event both for Mother Armenia, the Diaspora and Artsakh, highlighting the strategic value of the issues included in the conference agenda within the context of defining sustainable development perspectives for our statehood. 
“No less important is the fact that prominent state, political and public figures, scientists, analysts, philanthropists, people representing diverse spheres from many countries of the world take part at the conference activities. The international and multi-ethnic representation stands as a favorable platform for establishing and enhancing dialogue as well as cementing friendship ties with various nations and states”, noted Bako Sahakyan in his speech.  
The Artsakh Republic President wished the participants of the conference successful and fruitful work, expressing confidence that the conference would make a praiseworthy contribution in resolving nationwide issues. 
  -   Press release