Malta Philharmonic Orchestra will perform at Valletta’s St George's Square headed by Sergey Smbatyan

Malta Philharmonic Orchestra will perform at Valletta’s St George's Square headed by Sergey Smbatyan

  • 28-11-2017 14:25:01   | Armenia  |  Culture

On December 15 the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra will perform headed by the Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the State Youth Orchestra of Armenia. The concert will take place at Valletta’s St George's Square (Malta). 
The first half of the concert will feature two works by the great Romantic-era composer, Felix Mendelssohn, starting with the Overture to A Midsummer Night’s Dream which he wrote when he was just 17 years old.
This will be followed up by Mendelssohn’s only Violin Concerto. The solo violin role will be taken up by the highly-acclaimed violinist Esther Yoo on the 1704 Stradivarius violin, which has been generously lent to her by a private collector.
The music from what is arguably the world’s most popular ballet – Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker – will be the highlight of the concert. 
Sergey Smbatyan and the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra had cooperated before. This year the orchestra performs headed by maestro Smbatyan for the second time. A warm bond has been established between the musicians and the conductor. 
The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, founded in 1968, celebrates its 50th anniversary next year and is the leading musical collective of the country, the bearer and the developer of the traditions of the Maltese performing art. It has annually about 70 concerts in Malta, as well as tours in other countries
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